• Processing of applications through the planning control in accordance with the policies, the policies of the State and Town and Country Planning Act 1976.
  • Planning and preparing development plans and development plans of either State Structure Plan, District Local Plan or Special Area Plan.
  • Plan activities beautification and landscaping work in creating a healthy development of the area, clean and productive.
  • Providing land use and landscape development in the form of a written or plan and update GIS data bank.



  • Memberi layanan yang mesra, cepat, cekap dan amanah tanpa memilih pelanggan. Setiap pelanggan adalah dialu-alukan dan akan dilayanb dengan perkhidmatan yang cekap, tepat dan mesra.
  • Judge applications for planning permission within a period of 2 months provided the required documents are complete.
  • Process applications for planning permission for the layout and plan amendments over the layout plan and landscape plan pass as berikuit :-
    • Applications will be taken for consideration of the OSC Committee within 33 days of receipt by the OSC.
  • Provides a review of all development applications within 14 working days.
  • Improving information desk service friendly and deliver the right information to tourists / visitors.
  • Provides inventory reports that are accurate and timely information on tourism resources each year as a reference.
  • Act quickly to complaints received involved is whether the relevant departments of planning, landscape and tourism aspects.